
About New York State
New York, a state on the East Coast of the United States, is the country's leading centre of banking, communication, and finance. Only California outranks New York in trade and manufacturing. New York City is the largest city in the country in population and one of the largest in the world. It is one of the world's leading centres of business. Its many theatres, museums, musical organizations, and other institutions makes it a great cultural centre. New York City is also one of the world's biggest and busiest seaports. In its harbour stands the Statue of Liberty, long a symbol of freedom to people in all parts of the world. The United Nations headquarters is in New York City. The state of New York is also a land of fertile river valleys, forested hills, tall mountains, and sparkling lakes. New York's many scenic features draw millions of tourists each year. Niagara Falls, the state's most magnificent natural wonder, is one of the chief attractions. New York was one of the original 13 states of the United States. About a third of all the battles of the American Revolution were fought in New York. New York City was the first capital of the United States. George Washington took the oath of office there as the nation's first president. The New York state capital is in Albany.
Interesting Facts for New York City
1. The population density of New York City is more than 26 000/ sq mi. 2. In 1626 Dutch explorer bought Manhattan Island from Native American people in exchange for trade goods worth 24 dollars. 3. New York City consists of five boroughs: Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. 4. The first name of New York City was New Amsterdam. In 1664 the British conquered the Dutch city and renamed it New York. 5. New York City was the capital of the USA for the period 1789-1790. 6. The residents of the city average travel to their work about 40 minutes. 7. More than 47% of the city's residents speak languages other than English in their homes. 8. New York "Central Park" is larger than Principality of Monaco. 9. The taxicabs of New York are yellow because of Don Harts, a founder of a taxi company, who realised the yellow color is the most eye- catching color. He was right.